We do not compeat the developer,
we stand next to him,
we provide useful solutions.
Once upon a time
The idea behind MyChair solutions beginned when a software developer invest some money in a small cafeteria. Taking as a challenge, and for saving money he implement his own POS system, influenced from the best in the market.
Month by month the POS needed more enhancements. And soon the need of monitoring the cafeteria traffic and behaviour, from any place arised.
Since the POS was operating in a terminal this was a problem, and then, he think, why not; developing a solution that anybody can use? To monitor his business from any place in the world?
You can do everything, from your chair
You have a business, any kind of business, and you want to monitor what is happing through the day, without need to be there.
Just by seating in your living room chair.
Then we have the solution!
We trust, you trust
MyChair API was designed with such a way that you do not need to worry if somebody interfear durng the connection; or if an internet failure occur.
You can do everything from your place and from your chair
We do things for you, before you think what you need